The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) students should have the same rights as a straight person. People should not judge other people by their sexual orientation, but people should treat a person fairly regardless what type of sexual orientation that have attached to them. These type of people may have similar values as you do, but they have a social stigma attach to them to represent for who they are to themselves and others around them. These people have the same privileges as we do in the first amendment. They should be allowed in school to learn the same stuff we are learning. We should not be judgmental to this LGBT students just because they are different from us. We have to accept them as who they are because everyone is entitled to all the rights in the first amendment.
I am in shocked that people thinking prostitution is a good thing for women when in doubt I know it is a bad thing. Prostitution makes women look bad make their image tainted so they so their reputation. I am outraged how the media twists the sexual images of women to make them look worse than what they really appear to the other people. I don't mind sexual images of women is a bad thing if they are not put out of context and they could mean different things for different people looking at them.
I don't like the way the editor define "fat". Yes I agree people here in the U.S. is get heavier than usual because we eat too much food with bad source of fat in the foods we eat. I think the the restaurants especially fast food ones should consider giving healthy choices for people to choose from and limit the unhealthy choices. Yes, the U.S. obsessed with the size and beauty of people. I think the U.S. should worry about the size of people, but not worry about the beauty of people. The beauty of the people should be decided by the people think who they really are and not by images shown to the people to see that they should look like this and not like this.
I agree with the posting about Sex offenders. I agree with the laws that are out there to help protect the public from these sex offender people. I like the idea the laws make the sex offenders have their personal information out there so if something happens the people know who they are dealing with and get the proper authority to do something about it. The sex offenders have no way to harm innocent people without having being reported because everyone knows who they are. These sex offender laws may be hard to monitor very well, the people should look out for themselves and use reason to get the right people of the streets and not panic mode to just get rid of someone because he or she thinks that person is a sex offender when he or she doesn't have a reason to believe in it. There could be misleads too, the people that may be registered as sex offender is not a sex offender and that can cause chaos in the system.
I think young children should not have access to sexual books that are meant for adults. If the children get access to sexual content then they start think this is must be how she is is like according to these books. Children will eventually have to get exposed to this kind of stuff, but they should not be exposed to them until the are mature enough handle what might happen if they do this kind of thing. Many people will say well it all depends if the children are ready at this stage or they need a little more years first before they can comprehend what is going on in these sexual books.
Martha Hodes Talks "My Hijacking" with HNN
9 minutes ago
1 comment:
Do I smell a troll?
This reeks of copypasta, I find it hard to believe that a rational (read: sober) person wrote this.
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