25 September 2011

Chinese "Laundryman"

The Chinese laundrymen were immigrants that came over to the U.S. and Canada to start a business. This laundry business was a fixture in every town and city. The term "laundryman" became synonymous with the Chinese. They were socially isolated, and endure a life of drudgery and racial hostility. They would live int the laundry building to save money and they could not travel very far with the money they make from their laundry business. They had to hand wash people's clothes. When they were excluded in Canada and U.S. that they found a way to get around it. The kids of the Chinese "Laundrymen" would sometimes would help their parents out. The parents wanted the kids to have a better life than they did when they kids. There had been four stories about the kids who have to work in laundry business with their parents. Two of the stories told, there were still Chinese laundry business around, but one of the kids said it would be the last business still run by the person telling the story, but once the person is gone it will no longer exist. The other story was the person upgrade the laundry business with modern washing machines and dryers. All four people told a story about their parents laundry machine, but all the people telling the stories about their parents went on to have jobs that were not a laundry business.

- Justin Kwan

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