19 September 2011

Texting Makes U Stupid

Texting -

Niall Ferguson is a professor of history at Harvard University and a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. He is also a senior research fellow at Jesus College, Oxford University, and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Standford University. He says today's teenagers are
avid readers and prolific writers but in the sense of
reading and writing text messages. He say to the people even if you don't have kids, but if you look around you can see these teenagers text messaging away because it is a trend for them. The teenagers are oblivious to their surroundings because they are tapping away on their phones.

He comments on that if somebody took a group of teenagers to a field trip far away from their home that they would be texting all the way to the destination. He also comments on that if you take a group of teenagers to see a painting, picture, art, or anything in a museum that they might take a glance at what they are looking at then they will go back to their texting or looking for text message from someone else sending them texts. Half of the teenagers today don't read books unless they are made to. The people between the ages of 18 to 24 who read books that is not required for school or work is down by almost 10% than it was 20 years ago. There are not many who enjoy reading for fun anymore.


- Justin Kwan

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