24 March 2013

102 Minutes

This week I watched 102 Minutes That Changed America. The show aired on television as a special documentary film on September 11, 2008; the seventh anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center Buildings. Most of the program was actual, cold, raw, scary, and captivating footage of the attacks. Some of the footage was by professional cameras, but what made this program so special was the citizen footage on small personal cameras. It was beautifully put together. It included interviews with eyewitnesses who supplied the footage. I could see the emotions coming back to the eyewitnesses as they spilled their stories to the viewers.
The program brought me back to September 11, 2001 when I was in my living room as a child watching the footage on my families television. Goosebumps tailed up my arms watching this program. It was so realistic and I felt like I was re-living the attack since the producers used the footage and interviews in chronological order. I would recommend this program. 

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