26 March 2013


I used this weeks assignment as an excuse to watch Troy for probably the 40th time. While I will always argue that Wolfgang Peterson got it right and Homer was in fact the one that did not know what he was talking about, most will probably disagree with me. Apparently, there are a number of historical inaccuracies in the movie. Most notably, is the elimination of the god's presence in the war. While I will allow that the Iliad and Odyssey both explain the gods hand in forcing event to happen, is that really what happened? Homer wrote a myth that sometimes people take it too far and make it fact. Nevertheless, there is a great deal of inaccuracy in reference to Homer's version and what was actual possible for Greece at the time. (Alex von Tunzeimann points out that the llamas shown in the city of Troy could not have possibly have gotten to Greece for another 2800 years).

One character that everyone loves to discuss is Achilles. There is a lot done right concerning the accuracy of Achilles character and there is also a great deal that might not be as accurate as I would like to pretend. Namely, Peterson does a wonderful job showing the Achilles' main struggles. He really keys in on the constant rage Achilles feels as well as his hatred for Agamemnon. Additionally, the dichotomy of having two heroes in the tale is played up very well. The audience struggles between Achilles and Hector as much as a reader of the Iliad. Nevertheless Achilles was never dressed as a woman to avoid going to war in the movie and Patroclus is dismissed as Achilles cousin rather than his lover. Additionally, his attire was probably a lot more simple without any tassels. Overall, in regard to Achilles the greater message is there, Peterson just took some liberties with the details.

Esguerra, Clarissa M. "The Apropriateness of Historic Costumes of Male Protagonists in Historic Epic Movies." (2005). 
Lindrea, Victoria. "Review: Troy." BBC News 11 June 2004. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.
Tunzeimann, Alex von. "No gods or gay men but a whole lot of llamas." The Guardian 28 Aug. 2008. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.

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