Abortion is a form of birth control, which is something that has been of great debate not only now but since is has been made available. A time when birth control was of great debate was in the 1920’s. Margaret Sanger was an activist for women’s right and was the first to bring the debate in the public eye. She argued that if mothers aren’t free they cannot give birth to a free society. What she means by this is that if women do not have the basic freedom to plan for a family, the child that is born is not entering earth on the basis of freedom. Sanger went against the Comstock Law of 1873, which declared that the distribution of contraceptives and the information about contraception is illegal at the federal level. She was arrested for taking a stance and producing various documents on the issue.
There are many who are not on board with women having the choice to have abortions. I do not understand how this is such a huge topic of debate. When it comes down to it, it is a moral issue not a political issue. Women should be given the opportunity to make the decision if they can mentally and physically handle such a huge issue such as birth control. The same goes for them being able to handle the psychological effects of an abortion. It is an extremely personal issue and those who do not feel it is right are arguing their own personal take. There are so many different reasons why abortion should be made more accessible. In the article, “Trading Women’s Rights for Political Power,” the idea is suggested that we should “stop talking about abortion as a moral and legal right and to focus instead on comforting language about reducing the number of abortions.” I feel that by taking this approach of protecting the women of our society we will carry on what Margaret Sanger was advocating; giving women the opportunity to live a life with the comfort to know that she has a choice to make decisions that will be the most beneficial for her.
Martha Hodes Talks "My Hijacking" with HNN
8 minutes ago
1 comment:
I am very sceptical about transfering the topic from political debate to technological effort ;(
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