09 April 2013

Margret Thatcher

Although I am not very proficient at Twitter I decided to search the hashtag #margretthatcher due to her recent death and look at what people had been posting. I had seen on facebook an overwhelming number of my friends posting negative things about Thatcher due to their disagreements in her political actions and beliefs. I was curious to see if Twitter had a similar reaction. It turns out there seemed to be a split between people who had negative things to say about Thatchers life versus people who felt that those comments were disrespectful and the few that felt that Thatcher should be respected and honored as a great politician and for her success and a woman in a male dominated political world. It was interesting to also think about Thatchers life in the political world and how far technology has progressed to not only cover her death in all of the news sources but to have millions posting about it on twitter and facebook. If a historian were to go back and look at Thatchers recorded life on the internet they would have to have a clear understand of how internet has progressed or they would mistake her death as a far more significant event than her political life.

Here are some of the most interesting posts:

Well this is going to bring up some horrendously misinformed and biased political debates in 140 characters or less!

R.I.P Margret Thatcher:'( you were an amazing Priminister You were loyal and actually listend to us, the public. Thank you


Did any1 else only find out who was when she died? O_o

Credit where credits due- did well to get that far from the kitchen.

While I was typing this post 15 more tweets with the hashtag were posted.

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